About Middle School

Qatar Academy Doha Middle School has almost 500 students of more than 30 nationalities. The school comprises grades 6 to 10 of the Middle Years Programme (MYP).

We pride ourselves on being safe, respectful and responsible learners and that is at the core of what we do and who we are. We have a holistic approach to education and aim to meet the needs of our students in the best way we can-be it when some extra support is needed but also within our Talented and Gifted Programme. Our students are supported by an experienced team of educators and there is a collaborative approach to both teaching and learning. Our facilities are second to none, with large airy classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, drama and design workshops and exceptional sporting facilities. In addition to academic faculty there is strong pastoral support and also socio-emotional support with two dedicated counselors. Upon graduation our students fly to all corners of the globe for university and college.

Our graduating students are guided to choose an institution which is right for them, be it Harvard, Oxford, Hamad Bin Khalifa University here in Doha, or Community College. In addition a number of students also choose to enter undergraduate programmes in the military attending institutions such as Sandhurst and WestPoint.

QAD Middle School provides an environment where a student can thrive. We take safeguarding very seriously and our entire community is committed to helping our students to be as academically successful as they can be, while also encouraging pride in one’s own culture.

Middle School Principal

Welcome to Qatar Academy Doha Middle School, home to nearly 600 students from more than 30 nationalities in Grades 6 to 10, and a proud member of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). It is an honor to lead such a vibrant and diverse school community, where our core values of Ihsan (excellence), innovation, and integrity guide everything we do.

At Qatar Academy Doha, we are committed to our mission of developing leaders who are biliterate, socially engaged, academically successful, locally rooted, and globally minded. These qualities are central to our holistic approach to education, where students are encouraged to grow not just in their academics, but in their character, resilience, and sense of responsibility to the world around them.

Our talented and experienced educators collaborate to create a supportive and challenging learning environment that meets the needs of all students. Whether through our Talented and Gifted Programme or through personalized support for those who require it, we ensure that each student is given the opportunity to thrive. Our state-of-the-art facilities—including spacious classrooms, modern laboratories, design workshops, and exceptional sports facilities—further enrich the learning experience.

We also prioritize the emotional and social well-being of our students, with a strong pastoral system and dedicated counselors who are always available to provide guidance and support. Our goal is to cultivate an environment where students feel safe, respected, and empowered to take risks, innovate, and embody integrity in everything they do.

When students graduate from Qatar Academy Doha, they are well-prepared to take on the world, whether that means continuing their education at prestigious institutions like Harvard, Oxford, and Hamad Bin Khalifa University, or embarking on other meaningful paths. Our commitment to developing biliterate, globally minded leaders ensures that they are ready to make a positive impact, both locally and globally.

At Qatar Academy Doha Middle School, we build a foundation where Ihsan (excellence) drives progress, innovation shapes our path forward, and integrity strengthens our core—ensuring every student has the support they need to reach their full potential.

I am proud to be part of this dynamic and future-focused school, and I look forward to working together as we continue to shape the next generation of leaders.

Warm regards,

Yasmin Nasif

Middle School Principal, Qatar Academy Doha

Pedagogical Leadership Team

Mazen N. Jarrar

Mazen N. Jarrar
Assistant Principal –  Middle School

Pedagogical Leadership Team


Victoria L. Hanna
Assistant Principal –  Middle School

Pedagogical Leadership Team

Abdullah A. Khan
MYP Coordinator

MYP Curriculum

The MYP Programme is recognized around the world as a rigorous and efficacious college and university preparation program. Students graduate from Qatar Academy Doha ready to face the demands of university life in terms of academic preparedness, but also in terms of how well they know themselves and their learning styles. The Qatar Academy Doha MYP program’s strength, and what sets it apart from other pre-college and university programs, is its comprehensive curriculum. Students are required to study English, a second language (Arabic, French or Spanish), math, science, humanities and an elective subject of their choice. Electives can include visual arts, theater and music or a second science or humanities subject. Students are also required to write a 4,000-word research paper on a subject of their choice, an area in which Qatar Academy students excel.

This record of academic excellence is also evident in the final results of the MYP examinations. QAD students consistently perform at a standard above the world average.

MYP teachers at Qatar Academy Doha cooperatively plan and assess students’ work to ensure that learning opportunities and grading are consistent and accurate. Teamwork is at the heart of what we do and as a team we help produce caring, motivated young people who are equipped to take up leadership positions locally and around the world.

Curriculum Documents

Qatar Academy Doha uses a curriculum which has been specially developed to meet international standards and the needs of our students. The content of this curriculum is taught and assessed using pedagogies supported by the International Baccalaureate programs. At Qatar Academy Doha.

MYP Handbook 2023-2024

Qatar Academy Student Services teams work to foster and increase interpersonal competencies and sustain scholastic achievement. Qatar Academy sees students as well-rounded individuals and as such provides services that focus on social and emotional development and health related issues, as well as providing support in areas of academic learning.
The Counseling team of Student Services helps to facilitate International Baccalaureate (IB) PYP and MYP attitudes and social and emotional competencies through skill building activities that are taught to whole classes, small groups or individuals. Parenting workshops or Coffee and Chat sessions are offered over the year where Counselors are available to meet with parents concerning their child’s progress and/or emotional development. Counselors have a highly visible presence around Qatar Academy and practice an ‘open door policy’ where they are readily available to meet with students on a one-to-one basis. As students enter the Diploma Program, in Grades 11-12, counseling services continue to be an integral part of scholastic success. During these critical years Counselors work closely with each individual student to ensure college readiness and to help guide all students through the university application process. Qatar Academy has a nearly 100% college matriculation rate and past records show our graduates have entered universities on five different continents.
The Learning Support team of Student Services provides support for students that complement the classroom program. A multi-disciplinary approach is utilized to provide specialized learning support to students and parents. This student support may occur, for example, when students experience problems with their learning or when they need to be academically challenged to reach their full potential. In addition specialized teaching and learning support is provided to teachers. Members of the Learning Support team are specialist teachers who come from a range of fields such as Early Childhood Development, English Acquisition, Mathematics Acquisition, and Differentiation.
Qatar Academy Student Services also includes our School Nurses whose main role is to support students and families regarding health issues. Both Primary and Senior campuses have Family Affairs Coordinators who work to promote and foster a positive relationship between Qatar Academy and its Qatari families.
Qatar Academy Student Services include such programs as:

  • Anti-bullying campaign
  • Personal/individual counseling
  • Crisis Intervention – when and as required
  • Psycho-educational assessment
  • Speech and language specialist service
  • New student orientation
  • Academic counseling
  • Career pathways workshop/counseling
  • Peer Helper and Student Ambassador Programs
  • College Guidance Workshops
  • University Tours and Fairs
MYP Programme

The MYP Programme is recognized around the world as a rigorous and efficacious college and university preparation program. Students graduate from Qatar Academy Doha ready to face the demands of university life in terms of academic preparedness, but also in terms of how well they know themselves and their learning styles. The Qatar Academy Doha MYP program’s strength, and what sets it apart from other pre-college and university programs, is its comprehensive curriculum. Students are required to study English, a second language (Arabic, French or Spanish), math, science, humanities and an elective subject of their choice. Electives can include visual arts, theater and music or a second science or humanities subject. Students are also required to write a 4,000-word research paper on a subject of their choice, an area in which Qatar Academy students excel.

This record of academic excellence is also evident in the final results of the MYP examinations. QAD students consistently perform at a standard above the world average.

MYP teachers at Qatar Academy Doha cooperatively plan and assess students’ work to ensure that learning opportunities and grading are consistent and accurate. Teamwork is at the heart of what we do and as a team we help produce caring, motivated young people who are equipped to take up leadership positions locally and around the world.

Curriculum Documents

Qatar Academy Doha uses a curriculum which has been specially developed to meet international standards and the needs of our students. The content of this curriculum is taught and assessed using pedagogies supported by the International Baccalaureate programs. At Qatar Academy Doha.

MYP Handbook 2023-2024

Qatar Academy Student Services teams work to foster and increase interpersonal competencies and sustain scholastic achievement. Qatar Academy sees students as well-rounded individuals and as such provides services that focus on social and emotional development and health related issues, as well as providing support in areas of academic learning.
The Counseling team of Student Services helps to facilitate International Baccalaureate (IB) PYP and MYP attitudes and social and emotional competencies through skill building activities that are taught to whole classes, small groups or individuals. Parenting workshops or Coffee and Chat sessions are offered over the year where Counselors are available to meet with parents concerning their child’s progress and/or emotional development. Counselors have a highly visible presence around Qatar Academy and practice an ‘open door policy’ where they are readily available to meet with students on a one-to-one basis. As students enter the Diploma Program, in Grades 11-12, counseling services continue to be an integral part of scholastic success. During these critical years Counselors work closely with each individual student to ensure college readiness and to help guide all students through the university application process. Qatar Academy has a nearly 100% college matriculation rate and past records show our graduates have entered universities on five different continents.
The Learning Support team of Student Services provides support for students that complement the classroom program. A multi-disciplinary approach is utilized to provide specialized learning support to students and parents. This student support may occur, for example, when students experience problems with their learning or when they need to be academically challenged to reach their full potential. In addition specialized teaching and learning support is provided to teachers. Members of the Learning Support team are specialist teachers who come from a range of fields such as Early Childhood Development, English Acquisition, Mathematics Acquisition, and Differentiation.
Qatar Academy Student Services also includes our School Nurses whose main role is to support students and families regarding health issues. Both Primary and Senior campuses have Family Affairs Coordinators who work to promote and foster a positive relationship between Qatar Academy and its Qatari families.
Qatar Academy Student Services include such programs as:

  • Anti-bullying campaign
  • Personal/individual counseling
  • Crisis Intervention – when and as required
  • Psycho-educational assessment
  • Speech and language specialist service
  • New student orientation
  • Academic counseling
  • Career pathways workshop/counseling
  • Peer Helper and Student Ambassador Programs
  • College Guidance Workshops
  • University Tours and Fairs
QA Team


Qatar Academy Doha student-athletes compete locally and throughout the Middle East in competitive individual and team sports. Each season culminates with a NESAC (Near East Schools Activities Conference) tournament held at a sponsoring school in the region.


  • Boys & Girls U14
  • Boys & Girls Junior Varsity (U16)
  • Boys and Girls Varsity (U19)


  • Boys and Girls Teams

Track & Field

  • Sprints
  • Long Distance
  • Throws
  • Jumps
  • Qatar Foundation Schools Sport Association (QFSSA) locally held tournaments in a range of sports including Football, Basketball and volleyball
  • Qatar United English Speaking Schools (QUESS) locally held tournaments in all sports Participate in Sports Leagues-in basketball, football and volleyball.
  • Qatar Academy 2020 – 2021 Near East Schools Activities Conference (NESAC) Tournaments.
Athletics Information Booklet 2022-2023

The Qatar Academy extra and co-curricular activities programme offers quality opportunities for each student to develop the skills and mindset needed to become an active and contributing member of both our local and global community. The activities program seeks to develop the whole child, and to foster empathy, tolerance, action-oriented service, and healthy lifestyles in its participants. The activities program provides students with leadership and personal growth opportunities.

Our activity options feature a World leading MUN programme which runs an intense schedule of conferences and event fixtures throughout the year, the highlight event is hosting the THIMUN Qatar in late January.

Here is an example of our experiential learning activities that will be delivered this school year;

  • New Student Orientation
  • MUN Festival Administrative Assistant
  • QMUN Administrative Assistant
  • QMUN Press Crew
  • Eid Al Adha Suitcase
  • Orphans Club
  • Terry Fox Run
  • Quran Memorization
  • Concert Bands
  • Botball
  • Community & Service Leadership
  • Workers Appreciation
  • MUN Action
  • Spanish Club
  • Art Club
  • Get to Live Islam
  • Destination Imagination
  • School of Rock
  • Clothing Drive
  • Middle School MUN
  • Debate Club
  • Sports & Event Volunteers
  • Student Sports Council
  • Student Council
  • Drama Club
  • Qatar Culture Club
  • Our Place, Our Community
  • Quran Memorization
  • Promoting Moral Values in the School
  • World Robot Olympiad-Lego
  • QAD Beginners/ Intermediate Band
  • QAD Action
  • Music helpers
  • Orchestra
  • QAD NESAC / Jazz Advanced Band
  • Qatar History
  • Entrepreneurs Club
  • QAWS
  • High School Theatre Production

Model United Nations takes place in school clubs around the world. It is an extra-curricular activity where students are delegates and represent a country of the world at a conference. Ahead of the conference, students research the policies of the country and prepare opening speeches, a policy statement and resolution on an issue that will be discussed and debated in their committee. Conferences can last from one to four days and can be organized by middle schools, high schools, or universities.

As students gain more experience and understanding about MUN they can apply for Chair positions and lead the debate in committee rooms. There are also other roles including various executive positions, press, and admin.

Qatar Academy Doha MUN has three main branches that continue to grow in student numbers and participation.

The High School MUN (grades 9-12) goes to nine in Qatar conferences and two international conferences (Paris MUN and Beijing MUN).

The Middle School MUN (grades 6-8) goes to three in Qatar conferences and one international conference in Singapore.

QA Action (grades 6-12) is the service wing of MUN at Qatar Academy Doha. They plan and host activities at school including the international food festival, movie night, and teachers appreciation to name a few. This year the a group of high school students will be going to Bandipur, Nepal for a week long service trip in November.

Pre University Education’s Academic Affairs is proud to host The Hague International Model United Nation’s (THIMUN) regional office, bringing world class leadership, Model UN and Leadership opportunities to students in Qatar and the region. The THIMUN Qatar office hosts the fall Qatar Leadership Conference, the Middle East’s largest MUN conference each February, the Arabic Model UN conference each spring, and a new international middle school Model UN conference, the first in the region.

The THIMUN Foundation, established in The Hague in 1981, is an accredited NGO with the United Nations Department of Public Information and was granted, in 2003, Roster Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. THIMUN’s flagship MUN conference began in 1968, with a second conference added in Singapore in 2005. The THIMUN Qatar office was established in 2011 to meet the growing demand for quality MUN experiences for high school students in the Middle East.

The THIMUN Qatar office is located at Pre University Education HQ, and staffed by THIMUN Qatar Head Fatima El Mahdi .

Based on the THIMUN philosophy, all events are planned and run by high school students for their peers, making THIMUN Qatar one of the region’s most innovative and important leadership incubators. The THIMUN Qatar program has doubled in size since its inception in 2011, and is experiencing strong annual growth, a testament to the demand and desire students and schools are putting in high quality experiential learning programs in Qatar and beyond.

THIMUN Qatar MUN Conference
Held at the end of January, the THIMUN Qatar conference is one of only three THIMUN conferences worldwide. Over 1500 student delegates, student officers, press, Admin, IT and members of the Student Executive team participate in the region’s largest MUN conference. Held in the state-of-the-art Qatar National Convention Centre, the conference attracts schools from as far away as Australia, China, Tanzania and the United States.

Qatar Leadership Conference, QLC.

The QLC is a unique leadership event, bringing thought leaders in the areas of youth activism, peace and reconciliation, social entrepreneurship and SDG action, in addition to MUN, together with some of the region’s brightest high school students. The QLC format sees over twelve unique sessions of workshops and presentations each hour, allowing students, teachers and recognized experts in their fields to learn and share from one another. The QLC is meant to be an incubator for ideas, and a networking opportunity for participants

For more information about THIMUN Qatar’s MUN conference, the Qatar Leadership Conference, or the SDG Action projects, please visit the website at https://qatar.thimun.org or contact the office at thimunqatar@qf.org.qa


Qatar Academy Doha student-athletes compete locally and throughout the Middle East in competitive individual and team sports. Each season culminates with a NESAC (Near East Schools Activities Conference) tournament held at a sponsoring school in the region.


  • Boys & Girls U14
  • Boys & Girls Junior Varsity (U16)
  • Boys and Girls Varsity (U19)


  • Boys and Girls Teams

Track & Field

  • Sprints
  • Long Distance
  • Throws
  • Jumps
  • Qatar Foundation Schools Sport Association (QFSSA) locally held tournaments in a range of sports including Football, Basketball and volleyball
  • Qatar United English Speaking Schools (QUESS) locally held tournaments in all sports Participate in Sports Leagues-in basketball, football and volleyball.
  • Qatar Academy 2020 – 2021 Near East Schools Activities Conference (NESAC) Tournaments.
Athletics Information Booklet 2022-2023

The Qatar Academy extra and co-curricular activities programme offers quality opportunities for each student to develop the skills and mindset needed to become an active and contributing member of both our local and global community. The activities program seeks to develop the whole child, and to foster empathy, tolerance, action-oriented service, and healthy lifestyles in its participants. The activities program provides students with leadership and personal growth opportunities.

Our activity options feature a World leading MUN programme which runs an intense schedule of conferences and event fixtures throughout the year, the highlight event is hosting the THIMUN Qatar in late January.

Here is an example of our experiential learning activities that will be delivered this school year;

  • New Student Orientation
  • MUN Festival Administrative Assistant
  • QMUN Administrative Assistant
  • QMUN Press Crew
  • Eid Al Adha Suitcase
  • Orphans Club
  • Terry Fox Run
  • Quran Memorization
  • Concert Bands
  • Botball
  • Community & Service Leadership
  • Workers Appreciation
  • MUN Action
  • Spanish Club
  • Art Club
  • Get to Live Islam
  • Destination Imagination
  • School of Rock
  • Clothing Drive
  • Middle School MUN
  • Debate Club
  • Sports & Event Volunteers
  • Student Sports Council
  • Student Council
  • Drama Club
  • Qatar Culture Club
  • Our Place, Our Community
  • Quran Memorization
  • Promoting Moral Values in the School
  • World Robot Olympiad-Lego
  • QAD Beginners/ Intermediate Band
  • QAD Action
  • Music helpers
  • Orchestra
  • QAD NESAC / Jazz Advanced Band
  • Qatar History
  • Entrepreneurs Club
  • QAWS
  • High School Theatre Production

Model United Nations takes place in school clubs around the world. It is an extra-curricular activity where students are delegates and represent a country of the world at a conference. Ahead of the conference, students research the policies of the country and prepare opening speeches, a policy statement and resolution on an issue that will be discussed and debated in their committee. Conferences can last from one to four days and can be organized by middle schools, high schools, or universities.

As students gain more experience and understanding about MUN they can apply for Chair positions and lead the debate in committee rooms. There are also other roles including various executive positions, press, and admin.

Qatar Academy Doha MUN has three main branches that continue to grow in student numbers and participation.

The High School MUN (grades 9-12) goes to nine in Qatar conferences and two international conferences (Paris MUN and Beijing MUN).

The Middle School MUN (grades 6-8) goes to three in Qatar conferences and one international conference in Singapore.

QA Action (grades 6-12) is the service wing of MUN at Qatar Academy Doha. They plan and host activities at school including the international food festival, movie night, and teachers appreciation to name a few. This year the a group of high school students will be going to Bandipur, Nepal for a week long service trip in November.

Pre University Education’s Academic Affairs is proud to host The Hague International Model United Nation’s (THIMUN) regional office, bringing world class leadership, Model UN and Leadership opportunities to students in Qatar and the region. The THIMUN Qatar office hosts the fall Qatar Leadership Conference, the Middle East’s largest MUN conference each February, the Arabic Model UN conference each spring, and a new international middle school Model UN conference, the first in the region.

The THIMUN Foundation, established in The Hague in 1981, is an accredited NGO with the United Nations Department of Public Information and was granted, in 2003, Roster Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. THIMUN’s flagship MUN conference began in 1968, with a second conference added in Singapore in 2005. The THIMUN Qatar office was established in 2011 to meet the growing demand for quality MUN experiences for high school students in the Middle East.

The THIMUN Qatar office is located at Pre University Education HQ, and staffed by THIMUN Qatar Head Fatima El Mahdi .

Based on the THIMUN philosophy, all events are planned and run by high school students for their peers, making THIMUN Qatar one of the region’s most innovative and important leadership incubators. The THIMUN Qatar program has doubled in size since its inception in 2011, and is experiencing strong annual growth, a testament to the demand and desire students and schools are putting in high quality experiential learning programs in Qatar and beyond.

THIMUN Qatar MUN Conference
Held at the end of January, the THIMUN Qatar conference is one of only three THIMUN conferences worldwide. Over 1500 student delegates, student officers, press, Admin, IT and members of the Student Executive team participate in the region’s largest MUN conference. Held in the state-of-the-art Qatar National Convention Centre, the conference attracts schools from as far away as Australia, China, Tanzania and the United States.

Qatar Leadership Conference, QLC.

The QLC is a unique leadership event, bringing thought leaders in the areas of youth activism, peace and reconciliation, social entrepreneurship and SDG action, in addition to MUN, together with some of the region’s brightest high school students. The QLC format sees over twelve unique sessions of workshops and presentations each hour, allowing students, teachers and recognized experts in their fields to learn and share from one another. The QLC is meant to be an incubator for ideas, and a networking opportunity for participants

For more information about THIMUN Qatar’s MUN conference, the Qatar Leadership Conference, or the SDG Action projects, please visit the website at https://qatar.thimun.org or contact the office at thimunqatar@qf.org.qa

Online Information System


ManageBac is an online-based Student Information System used by parents, students, and staff throughout QAD Senior School. Parents can visit the site or use the mobile app 24 hours a day, seven days a week for an immediate, up-to-date record of their attendance, and academic performance in class and view reports.

Teachers use the site to take attendance, record student grades, create report cards and track student support services. Parent contact information is also held. To log in, navigate to QAD.managebac.com and click “forgot password” you can then use the email registered with the school to reset your password.


The striking architecture of Qatar Academy Doha buildings on the outside is matched on the inside with spacious classrooms, natural light, and a sense of openness. The Academy has the most advanced facilities of any school in the country and competes with the very best in the world.

Library & Media Center

The library and Media Center in the Senior School provide support for the learning and recreational reading needs of students, teachers and parents. In addition to more than 60,000 print and AV resources, the library provides access to an extensive list of electronic subscriptions and online resources available through the Destiny Library Management System. Qualified librarians provide full services in English and Arabic.
The Senior School Library provides the information support required for MYP students (Grade 6-10) and IB Diploma students (Grades 11-12). The qualified teaching specialist in the Media Center works with students and teachers to generate multimedia resources (photos, moving images and sound) to use in integrated classroom projects. In addition, a fully equipped Mac lab is available for the IB Film program.
As a member of Education City, Qatar Academy Doha students and faculty have reciprocal access to resources from all onsite universities through Inter Library Loans. Parents are welcome to join any of the Qatar Academy libraries as borrowing patrons.

Science Labs

Students who graduate from Qatar Academy Doha are equipped with a firm foundation of scientific knowledge and skills so that they are scientifically literate, active participants and informed decision-makers on matters of scientific importance. Teaching methodology is based on hands-on inquiry with a great deal of time spent in the school’s science labs. The Science Department is equipped with:

  • Six science labs with fume cupboards for Grades 6-12
  • Two labs used solely for Grade 12
  • A data-logging room equipped with networked computers to perform experiments with probes
  • A darkroom for light and photography experiments

Technology Department

School-wide technology is supported by a wireless network that allows students to access files, emails and classroom work at any time. Qatar Academy’s IT and E-Learning department oversees:

  • 10 state-of-the-art computer labs
  • Mobile learning equipment
  • Audio and video recording equipment
  • Online learning management system


The Qatar Academy Doha auditorium has a fully appointed stage and seating for an audience of approximately 250 people. The venue’s perfect acoustics and excellent sight lines provide an inviting setting for Qatar Academy Doha events. The space is used regularly to host school plays and musicals, debates, choral and orchestral events, and invited speakers.

Sports Venues

The Senior School houses excellent sports venues that provide a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the school year.

  • Olympic standard 50-meter swimming pool, with electronic timing and scoreboards
  • Two training pools for young swimmers
  • Multi-purpose sports complex
  • Squash courts
  • Fitness centers
  • Outdoor running track
  • Two Football pitches
  • Four indoor gymnasiums
  • Gymnastics room

Dramatic and Visual Arts

Qatar Academy Doha recognizes the importance of the arts and their role in the creation of a well-rounded student curriculum. The Senior School offers a wide selection of visual arts, theater and music classes from photography and film classes to drama clubs and orchestral performances. QAD’s Dramatic and Visual Arts venues include:

  • Two drama classrooms with stages
  • Ceramics studio and adjoining kiln
  • Three art studios
  • Two music studios
  • Eight practice studios
Library & Media Center
Science Labs
Sports Venues
Library & Media Center

Accredited Partners





Eco school logo
